L’ESTHUA Faculté de Tourisme, Culture et Hospitalité propose, avec le soutien de l'axe 5 “Tourisme, territoire, solidarités” de la Structure Fédérative de Recherche - SFR Confluences (Université d'Angers) et du GIS Études Touristiques, un cycle de séminaires de recherche en tourisme.

  • La prochaine séance est intitulée : "Understanding Food, Wine, and Gastronomy from Emerging Perspectives: Marketing, Consumer Psychology, Evolution and Embodiment"
Visuel conférence Axe5 SFR Confluences 150424

  • Junwei YU, Maître de conférences en sciences de gestion à l’ESTHUA, laboratoire GRANEM


We eat. We drink. We dine out. Food, wine, and gastronomy play integral roles in our everyday lives, personal well-being, and economy. This seminar therefore aims to explore these topics by applying theoretical and methodological insights from various domains, including marketing, consumer psychology, evolution, and embodiment. Several research articles will be briefly presented. In terms of methodology, the seminar highlight the importance of systematic conceptual replication, data cleaning concerning online panel samples, and the utilization of neuromarketing techniques, such as eye tracking.

Mis à jour le 08 avril 2024.